LOVE CRUNCH Bol arc-en-ciel

Égayer votre journée avec notre fierté inspirée Rainbow Acai Bowl. C'est rafraîchissant, délicieux et visuellement attrayant. 

LOVE CRUNCH Bol arc-en-ciel Recette

Temps de préparation: 5 Min Minutes
Portions: 1 Serving



  • 1 cup frozen blueberries 
  • 1 frozen banana 
  • 1 scoop plant based protein powder 
  • 1 tsp acai powder 
  • ½ cup oat milk 




  1. Place the frozen blueberries, frozen banana, plant-based protein powder, acai powder, and oat milk into a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Add more oat milk by the tablespoon if it is too thick for your liking. 
  2. Using a spatula, pour the smoothie into a bowl while scraping down the sides, and smooth it out.  
  3. Starting from the bottom, begin to create your rainbow! We suggest the sequence: Blueberry, kiwi, mango, strawberry, and Love Crunch Dark Chocolate & Red Berries Granola 

In This Recipe

  • Chocolate noir et baies rouges Granola, socle 700 g

    Distributeur : Love Crunch
    Prix habituel
    Du $33.00 CAD
    Prix unitaire
    • V Végétalien
    • LS Faible teneur en sodium

About The Author

Connie Leung

Three words describe Connie Leung: plant-based foodie, nature lover, and a supporter of locals. On her days off, you can find Connie in the kitchen creating fun recipes and sharing them at @conniekyleung. Colors bring her joy and this can be reflected in her posts – Colorful, fun, and whimsical - the perfect antidote for any age, any time!

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