Mots-clés :
Savourer le goût de l'été, moins le sucre ajouté, avec une recette de pique-nique vifique de pêche mettant en vedette notre nouveau Pas ajouté Granola Sugar.
Temps de préparation:
20 Minutes
Temps de cuisson: 18 Minutes
2 servings
No Added Sugar
- 5 pêches, tranchées
- ¼ tasse de sirop d'agave
- ½ tasse de jus d'orange fraîchement pressé
- 1 c. À thé de maïs de maïs
- ½ TSP Cinnamon au sol
- ¼ c. TSP noix de muscade séchée
- 1/8 c. À thé de gousses séchées
- 2 tasses Piste de la nature Non ajouté Vanille de sucre Almond Butter Granola
Pour crème fouettée
- 1 boîte de coco de coco, refroidi
- 1 tasse de fromage à la crème végétalienne
- ¼ tasse de sirop d'agave
- ½ cuillère à la cuve d'extrait de vanille
- Place the sliced peaches, agave, and orange juice in a saucepan.
- Cook until liquid has reduced and the peaches are soft.
- Add the cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves until fully combined.
- Place in the fridge for 15 minutes or until cool.
- While peaches are cooling, prepare whipped cream by skimming the cream that sits on the top of the coconut milk can and placing it, along with the cream cheese in a bowl.
- Whip together until smooth and thick.
- Add the agave syrup and vanilla extract to the cream mixture and whip until evenly dispersed.
- Begin to prepare mason jars by adding a layer of cream, a layer of Nature’s Path Almond Butter Vanilla granola, and a layer of peach filling. Continue layering cream and granola until the jar is filled.
- Place in the fridge for 15-20 minutes.
- Serve and enjoy.
About The Author
Nature's Path
Nature's Path is committed to making only organic food products since 1985, and that’s something that will never change. As organic pioneers, Nature's Path believes that every time you choose organic, you cast a vote for a better food system and a more sustainable future for us all.