Kiwi Cactus Yogurt  Parfaits

Kiwi Cactus Yogurt Parfaits

These kiwi cactus yogurt parfaits are simply adorable! They’re a fun, easy to make snack that’ll brighten up any kid's day. Choose a dairy-free yogurt for vegan parfaits.

Kiwi Cactus Yogurt Parfaits Recipe

Prep time: 15 Minutes
Servings: 1 serving
Gluten Free
Grain Free
Low Sodium



  1. Cut the bottom off the kiwi for a sturdy flat base.
  2. Decorate peeled kiwi with chocolate vermicelli “spines.” Add an upside-down raspberry “cactus blossom” on top (secure with a toothpick if needed).
  3. Fill a small mason jar with dairy-free yogurt. “Plant” your kiwi cactus in the center and surround it with Envirokidz cereal “soil.”
  4. Enjoy!

About The Author

Brittany Mueller

Brittany is a Canadian-based vegan food blogger, recipe developer, and photographer.

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