our animals

Each animal represented on the front of our EnviroKidz product represents a real endangered or vulnerable species that we help support through our many partner organizations. Read below to meet each of these amazing animals and learn a little more about the people doing great work to protect them.


Together with the Dian Fossey Gorila Fund, we’re saving gorillas through community patrols and educating and empowering children to become stewards of the rainforest.


EnviroKidz funding has helped the Australian Koala Foundation map koala habitats across Australia – the only country where you’ll find these nocturnal marsupials. Together we were able to establish a koala reserve at Quinlan’s in the Australian outback.


Lemurs are among the most endangered primates on earth. Our partnership with the Lemur Conservation Foundation has lead to the creation of an EnviroKidz Centre that provides a community and education space in Madagascar.


We’re saving pandas with Pandas International! Their initiatives aim to create a world where humans and animals coexist in harmony as friends from afar. We’re convinced that both our lives and those of the animals will be richer for it.


EnviroKidz funding has helped the Jane Goodall Institute create educational resources for local communities in Africa that promote the importance of environmental stewardship.


Cheetahs are the fastest land animal in the world and together with the African Wildlife Foundation, we work to protect these speedy, spotty cats!

Blue Macaws

Blue Macaws reside in South American rainforests and the Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) works to protect the rainforests and its inhabitants. EnviroKidz funding allowed ACT to develop ethno-education programs to teach indigenous youth about the rainforest and their traditional cultures.