Chocolate Macaroon Chia Pudding

Chocolate Macaroon Chia Pudding

Convierta su sabor de macaroon favorito en un fácil y decadente desayuno de desayuno.

Chocolate Macaroon Chia Pudding Receta

Tiempo de preparación: 5 Minutes
Chill time: 480 Minutes
Porciones: 1 serving



  1. Combine todos los ingredientes, excepto la granola, en un tazón y revuelva para combinar.
  2. Refrigere por varias horas o por toda la noche.
  3. Cubra con granola y sirva.

About The Author

Nicole Axworthy

Nicole is a Canadian writer, editor and photographer. She is passionate about and specializes in developing wholesome, all-natural vegan recipes to inspire others to think differently about what they eat.

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