Family owned

Arran and Ratana founded Nature's Path in 1985 in Vancouver, BC, but the idea took root much earlier –dating back to the 1930s. Proudly Canadian-owned and operated in the U.S., we've been organic from the start, pioneering the organic movement and remaining dedicated stewards of the land.

Always Organic

As a Canadian-owned, Canadian-based business, we have prioritized our relationships with hundreds of Canadian farmers throughout the country and source a significant amount of our product ingredients within Canada. 

Rooted in Sustainability

Beyond organic, we have big environmental sustainability goals. All of our production facilities are now zero waste, we're always improving our energy and water conservation.

how we give

nourishing communities

We have an annual goal to donate at least 2 million dollars in food to food banks, partners, charities and other causes. In addition, every time you purchase one of our EnviroKidz products, a portion of the sales is donated to support endangered species, habitat conservation and environmental education for kids worldwide. We’ve raised over $3 million for our partner organizations to date.