Help Save Sea Turtles with SEE Turtles
By EnviroKidz
The SEE Turtles organization helps protect Hawksbills and other endangered turtles both by raising awareness and by ensuring the safety of each valuable egg. SEE Turtles sees itself as a facilitator, both in the classroom and on local beaches, where it offers resources, both financial and educational, to further the turtle cause.
SEE Turtles initiative, Billion Baby Turtles, is one of our favorites here at EnviroKidz. As the name suggests, their goal is to save a billion baby turtles – no small feat, but certainly worthwhile! The shores of the Americas are dotted with thousands of nesting spots, usually sandy beaches and coral reefs where the turtles surface from their underwater homes to lay eggs and bask in the sun. These eggs and the hatchlings that will emerge are especially vulnerable to predators both natural and two-legged.
Through Billion Baby Turtles, SEE Turtles supports local groups in their on-the-ground efforts to protect turtle eggs. These small organizations walk up and down beaches protecting every egg they can, and providing moral support to the hatchlings valiantly parading back into the waves. Often volunteer run, these groups are great at what they do, but short on resources – that’s where SEE Turtles comes in. For every dollar they raise, SEE Turtles is able to save a baby turtle. So far, the program has helped save more than 800,000 hatchlings across Latin America!
SEE Turtles also wants to share the mystery – and plight – of their flippered friends with you. They’ll come to you, offering classroom presentations either in person or via Skype, and they’ve gathered a wealth of resources to teach kids about turtles. They’d also like you to come to them – schools that have “turtle days” and engage in turtle-related activities are invited to a turtle project so they can see the turtles in action. If you’ve out-grown field trips, they encourage approved eco-tours, which strengthen local economies while raising awareness near and far for the turtles.
Follow these tips from SeeTurtles to get involved:
- Donate to SEE Turtles conservation efforts!
- Reduce your use of plastics (sea turtles confuse it for their favorite snack, jellyfish), and organize a beach cleanup in your neighborhood.
- Encourage your teacher to use SEE Turtles’ classroom resources to teach about conservation.
- Go snorkeling with the turtles on a Turtle Conservation Trip.
- Volunteer with a turtle project to help turtles and local communities.
- Enjoy EnviroKidz cereals and crispy rice bars knowing that 1% of sales goes to support these great programs.
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