Then to Now: Our Packaging Through the Years
By Nature's Path
Here at Nature's Path we've got a long history of bringing you delicious organic breakfast foods and snacks. Over the years some products have come and gone (we only keep what our customers like!), but a few have stood the test of time.
Here's a look at how those product boxes have changed - including our most recent packaging which you will start to see on store shelves! Scroll down to get a taste of our history through our packaging. We'd love to hear what you think of the lastest design!
Flax has historically been recognized for its health benefits and nutritional content. Important leaders throughout history have known the value of flax; both Charlemagne and Caesar had their soldiers consume a handful of flax seeds each day.
Flax Plus was first introduced in 1997 and soon became a best-seller. Its great taste and nutritional ingredients maintain its popularity to this day.
Heritage Flakes has seen several changes in its look from the early green border and faded wheat backdrop to the polished charming packaging of today. Despite the surface changes, it has kept the same great taste that makes it one our most popular cereals ever. Can you really deny the classic flakes of wholesome ancient grains and all their delicious crunchy goodness?
When Hemp Plus Granola was launched there were no other cereal companies at our size using hemp seeds in granola. With the early misinformation about hemp seeds there was a need for advocacy and education to make sure it was a success. The simple solution would have been to discontinue the product, but the difficult route became the best one, making Hemp Hearts Granola a powerhouse product and popular to this day.
A bowl of crunchy and delicious gluten free flakes serves as the perfect canvas for sliced fruit and other toppings.
The Mesa Sunrise packaging has changed from its early designs with the cool blue sky backdrop and warm orange mountains to the new sleek purple design with the sunburst logo.
Gorilla Munch has long been a staple of kids organic cereal and with only natural ingredients it's a product parents can feel good about. Over the years we've noticed passionate EnviroKidz fans seem to be all ages.
The early design for Koala Crisp had a distinct hand drawn look, and although the style changed the same cute koala mascot brightens the packaging.
In 2010, Love Crunch premium granola burst onto the scene after it was originally created as a wedding favor for Arjan (son of our founder) and Rimjhim's wedding. It was such a hit with the guests they decided to make it available to our customers as well!
You can learn more about our history in organic foods, our comittment to sustainability, and culture of giving back in the OUR PATH section of the website.