Dad Diary: The Perfect Father's Day

Dad Diary: The Perfect Father's Day

While I’m not brand new to the wonderful world of fatherhood, this is only my second celebration and I can’t wait. The journey so far has been an emotional one. We started on a journey through in vitro fertilization (IVF) that, after many worrisome bridges to cross, appointments, procedures and waiting, resulted in our beautiful daughter. I never knew that I could create someone who would make me so incredibly happy. She wakes up with a smile every day (though not after some naps – yikes!) and no matter how lethargically I roll out of bed, she can’t help but beam sunlight right into my disposition. This Father’s Day (and every day), I want to foster a love of nature in her by spending time together outdoors. Here’s a snapshot into what a perfect, sunny Father’s Day might have in store for us.

Dad Diary: The Perfect Father's Day | Nature's Path

I’d like to start the day, as any other day, with my morning cuddles and feeding her breakfast. It’s often a bit of a challenge to find something that she’ll eat that is either fresh or somewhat healthy. I’ll try and sneak some veggies or fruit in there somewhere. Maybe some avocado on toast or banana on some organic waffles. Later, we’ll head out as a family to the Sunday farmer’s market to get some fresh produce from across British Columbia. She’ll say hi to everyone and try the samples of fruit. Into the Summer we will be regular visitors to the wonderful world of farmer’s markets, spending more time outdoors and understanding where food comes from. I know that at just a year and a half may be too young to really grasp the whole concept, but it’s something that is important to me and hopefully she’ll begin to associate food with the garden instead of the supermarket. After the market we’ll head to the shade of a tree in the park to have a picnic and she’ll practice her walking on the soft grass. When she loses interest in learning to walk, we’ll play with some of her wooden blocks from TimberChild, which are from sustainably planted trees in our local BC forests. (Bonus that they help reduce the crazy amount of plastic that seems to come along with most kids’ toys) The only gift that I’d really like to receive is a handmade card. There’s something so much more special in getting something that required personal effort and thought, rather than trinkets. After nap-time and another snack, I’d love to spend some time in the garden. Between chasing after my daughter and stopping her from putting everything in her mouth, we’ll be picking the first of the Sugar Snap Peas that I’ve been growing since March. There should also be a few raspberries to pick, and lettuce to try. As the tomato plants are coming along, I wonder if she’ll be like me in her absolute revulsion of raw tomatoes and everything they stand for. Yuck! I wonder if the carrots and onions that have been planted will make a miraculous recovery after the long winter. They’re perfect for chopping up and making a huge batch of very mild chili. I dish these up into extra-large ice cube trays and, once frozen, put them into a freezer bag to have as handy microwavable servings of veggies in pasta sauce. The noodles or rice can be cooked separately, even though I know they’ll end up on the floor, in her hair, or somehow on the cat. Now tucked into bed, another day of quality time and new experiences under her belt. Happy Father’s Day, James

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