OFRF puts farmers first. They need our support, and together, we have the power to make sure they have the resources they need to be successful and resilient.
Farmers, ranchers, and our entire food system face increasingly grave threats from climate change, such as flooding, droughts, wildfires, and unseasonable temperature extremes—all of which can devastate farming operations. At the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF), we provide organic producers with the resources and technical information they need to make their farming operations more resilient and help mitigate climate change.
Since 1990, OFRF has been a trusted organization and leader in the agriculture community for the following initiatives:
- Organic research funding
- National studies of the needs of organic farmers
- Creation of free grower education materials
- Strong advocacy for federal policies that help organic and regenerative farmers
Our goal is to improve our food system and curb climate change by making regenerative organic systems the predominant form of agriculture. This year we worked with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) farmers and researchers to fund their on-farm research projects, conducted a nation-wide study of the challenges organic farmers face, advocated successfully for increased investment in organic at the United States Department of Agriculture, and so much more.
As a farmer-led organization, our vision is to create a more resilient and just agricultural system that values healthy environments, people, and economies that help us curb climate change and be more adaptive to future changes.
However, we can’t accomplish this goal alone. Organic farmers need increased investment in federal programs and policies that support organic agriculture and climate-resilient practices. More funding in organic research would allow researchers and farmers to find solutions to the challenges that they face today. With solutions to common problems in hand, organic farmers and ranchers will be more successful and able to make sound decisions.
Everything we do at OFRF happens because of generous donors like Nature’s Path Organic Foods. We fundraise for each and every dollar that we use to help current and future organic farmers. We’re particularly excited because thanks to Nature’s Path Organic Foods, we have a unique opportunity this November and December to have your donation matched. This means that when you donate, it will be matched dollar for dollar up to $15,000 by Nature’s Path. This type of support, from you and generous companies like Nature’s Path, ensures we can continue our work in this changing climate to help organic farmers, build healthy soils, cut greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, and build biodiversity.
Your donation to the OFRF will help us achieve these goals for the coming year:
Create two free virtual educational courses on soil health:
- One focused on underserved farmers in the South.
- Another focused on soil health in Spanish for farmers in the West.
Ensure that we can advocate for the needs of organic farmers and ranchers in the upcoming 2023 Farm Bill.
- The every five-year piece of legislation that dictates all of the federal money that supports our food system.
- Ensures that organic farming systems can best serve their communities for the long run.
OFRF puts farmers first. They need our support, and together, we have the power to make sure they have the resources they need to be successful and resilient.
Supporting organic farmers starts here. We encourage you to visit OFRF’s website to learn more and donate to this great cause!