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Flax Plus Red Berry Crunch Cereal

Algunas cosas son mejores juntas. El delicioso dúo de copos crujientes y granola crocante dio el sí en un casamiento perfecto de textura y sabor.
Benefits & Certifications
Organic Ingredients
Flax Seeds
Often considered a superfood for the ALA Omega-3s contained within these tiny seeds, flax adds a delicious nutty flavor and a boost of nutrition in every bite.
Whole Wheat
With the germ and bran still intact, whole wheat tends to be rich in B vitamins and other nutrients.
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bite size choices planet size change
At Nature's Path we've always believed that humanity's best hope for creating a better planet is through the ways we grow and produce food. Food connects us all, and it's the simplest way we can all have a positive impact on our planet. Eating organic can help create a more sustainable future — but only if people enjoy eating it. That's why it also has to be delicious. Making better choices, without compromise.