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  • Trozos de avena deliciosamente crujientes

  • Hecho con grasas saludables e ingredientes integrales
  • Sin saborizantes ni colorantes artificiales

Copos de avena integral*, azúcar de caña*, aceite de soja*, coco desecado*, harina de arroz integral*, semillas de chía*, sólidos de jarabe de avena* (sólidos de jarabe de avena*, tocoferoles), saborizante de coco natural, sal marina, melaza*, saborizante de vainilla natural. *Orgánico. Contiene soja y coco. Producido en una fábrica que utiliza cacahuates, trigo y otros frutos secos. Contains coconut and soy. Produced in a facility that uses wheat, peanuts and other tree nuts.

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At Nature's Path we've always believed that humanity's best hope for creating a better planet is through the ways we grow and produce food. Food connects us all, and it's the simplest way we can all have a positive impact on our planet. Eating organic can help create a more sustainable future — but only if people enjoy eating it. That's why it also has to be delicious. Making better choices, without compromise.

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