billion baby turtles program

SEE Turtles thanks you for your symbolic turtle adoption! Co-founder Brad Nahill and his team works collaboratively with other turtle conservation organizations around the world by hiring local residents to patrol important turtle nesting beaches, protecting turtles that come up to nest, and ensuring that the eggs are protected.

To date, they’ve saved nearly two million hatchlings. And with your help, that number is growing! We hope you’ll keep supporting baby turtles whether it’s through Turtle Splash™, donating to SEE Turtles, or spreading – better yet, splashing – the word to your friends and family.

how else can you help turtles?

  • stop 'sucking'

    In the US alone, 500 million plastic straws are used every day. Say no to straws to keep plastic away from sea turtles!

  • cleanup, cleanup

    Organizing local beach cleanups are a great way to help keep turtles’ habitats clean – and get the community involved!

  • splash world

    Do your brothers, sisters, or parents know sea turtles are endangered? Talk to them about what you know and they can help too!