Posted under  Food & Health, Nature's Path on
Although we’re big fans of the leisurely breakfast, sometimes there just isn’t time to sit down with a bowl and spoon. We get it. And that’s why we’ve come up with a few delicious ways to stay nourished when you’re on the move. How to Go Bird Watching With Your Kids


Store a few easy ‘take away’ food options for those inevitable days you didn’t have time to pack lunch or slept through your alarm. Try an organic canned soup (with a pull top of course) for lunch and our NEW oatmeal cups for breakfast.
Toaster Pastries


Keep individually packaged snacks with you when you are out of your home. Having snacks in your purse, car, or bag is a great way to ensure you satisfy your hunger when you are on the go. Try some of our individually packaged snacks such as our Love Crunch Bars and our Toaster Pastries for great to-go snack options!


If it’s happened once it’s happened a thousand times. Grab some pouched granola (with a resealable top!) so the next time you act out of hanger – your granola will be waiting for you – still crunchy n’ fresh. GRANOLAS

About The Author

Nature's Path is committed to making only organic food products since 1985, and that’s something that will never change. As organic pioneers, Nature’s Path believes that every time you choose organic, you cast a vote for a better food system and a more sustainable future for us all.

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