All About Organic Corn
By Que Pasa
We’re pretty sold on corn around here – the organic and non-GMO kind, anyway. It makes the tastiest, crunchiest chips around, and we just can’t get enough.
We get a lot of questions from concerned consumers who want to avoid genetically modified ingredients – and we’re always happy to help out! After all, we believe that everyone has a right to know what’s in their food. Until mandatory GMO labeling laws pass, the best way to avoid GMOs is to seek out certified organic products. But since 93% of corn in North America is genetically modified, how can you be sure?
Organic farmers try to plant their corn two weeks after conventional farmers. Corn is an “open pollinator”, which means wind blows pollen from one plant to another. It has a pollination period that lasts about two weeks. By delaying their planting, organic farmers know that GMO corn will have finished pollinating before their crop is ready to begin. That way, they can be confident their organic corn gets pollinated only by other organic corn.
Organic farmers and suppliers also use storage and transportation facilities that are carefully prepared for organic, non-GMO products so that their quality crop doesn’t come into contact with GMOs after it has been harvested.
The Non-GMO Project considers certain crops “high risk” if there is a GMO version in commercial production. These crops include: alfalfa, soy, canola, corn, sugar beets, Hawaiian papaya, zucchini and yellow summer squash, and cotton. Because corn is considered high risk due to the widespread commercial use of GMO corn, Non-GMO Project approved testing is required for every single load of corn. If a load passes the test, it can then safely be used in our deliciously organic, Non-GMO Project verified tortilla chips.
Organic corn farmers and suppliers work hard to care for their crops and guarantee the healthiest, safest food for you. Nothing can be absolutely perfect in an imperfect world, but we take comfort knowing that there are dedicated people out there doing everything they can to leave the earth better than they found it. We hope you take comfort, too.