A Practical Guide to an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle
Living eco-friendly means that every community, business, and individual must do their part by taking action to conserve energy, reduce waste, and protect all wildlife. Although an eco-friendly lifestyle may not come with the conveniences of everyday life, there are easy ways you can contribute to protecting our planet.
But what exactly is “eco-friendly”?
The term is used alongside “sustainability” and “earth friendly” and it basically means that you live a conscious lifestyle doing your best to not harm the environment and prevent more damage to the planet. But you may be thinking, how does my lifestyle exactly help solve environmental issues?
Think about what you do daily, what you eat, what you wear, and how you travel. All these necessities require energy which affects the environment and ecosystems. The good news is that making small changes can make a huge difference and we can build a better future for the next generation.
Here are some tips and a practical guide to an eco-friendly lifestyle:
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Daily
Adopt Energy-Efficient Habits
Eat Sustainable Food Choices
Use Eco-Friendly Transportation
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Daily
Reducing your trash, reusing items, and recycling proper materials is the easiest and most conscious habit you can do daily. Despite community efforts, many people still manage to not do these things. According to the EPA, in 2018, the U.S. generated over 292.4 million tons of garbage which a lot of the material waste could have actually been recycled.
Recycling helps to reshape material into brand-new items instead of going into landfills. You can simply toss the right items into the proper bins or have a separate bin at home for recycling. Items you can recycle include:
- Paper including magazines and newspapers (but we recommend opting for paperless)
- Glass bottles and jars
- Cardboard
- Metal containers including steel and tin
Simply by recycling you contribute by preventing waste in landfills and limiting land and air pollution.
Another way you can help is to reduce your consumption of things. Avoid any type of plastic including cutlery, plates, and straws. If you plan to eat at a restaurant, opt for reusable and eco-friendly products you can take with you. Also, try to not buy items you will only use once; this will alleviate clogging up landfills and damaging the environment.
Also, instead of tossing out material, be resourceful and find new creative ways to reuse items for storage, decor, or other uses. These three habits will guarantee your reduction of waste and pollution.
Adopt Energy-Efficient Habits
Another simple way to live an eco-friendly lifestyle is to adopt energy-efficient habits by reducing and conserving water and energy. In 2021, the U.S Energy Information Administration estimated that “About 61% of (. . .) electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gasses.”
Because the electric power grid is the primary source of energy, large volumes of fossil fuels are burned daily and directly affect our atmosphere.
Here are some ways to save energy and water daily:
- Turn off the lights when you are not present in the room
- Unplug your electronics when they are not in use
- Refrain from leaving your phone charging all night
- Set your thermostat to an energy-efficient temperature
- Use LED light bulbs instead of incandescent ones
- Take shorter showers and turn off sink water when directly not in use.
In the ongoing research towards renewable energies technologies, there are new and clean ways including solar, wind, hydro, etc, that are emerging toward eliminating the burning of fossil fuels, however, for the time being, adopting these simple habits can assist towards a healthier planet. To learn more about conserving water, read our blog Using Water Efficiently is a Must for Our Environment.
Eat Sustainable Food Choices
Eating sustainable foods is not only a healthier option but it has an impact on the environment. There are a couple of ways you can do this.
- Eat whole organic foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts. For best results, include these in your diet daily.
- Buy from your local farmers market. Generally, all local farmers implement techniques that preserve soil fertility and encourage biodiversity. On the contrary, industrialized farming produces large amounts of food in a short period of time and may contain harmful ingredients and pesticide residue. And because of mass production, greenhouse gasses are frequently used by machinery and fertilizers on farms, trucks, and ships for transportation.
When you choose to eat and purchase sustainable food, you won’t worry about harmful fertilizers or plastic packaging which is also another negative contribution to the landfill.
- Lastly, reducing food waste is another tip you can practice. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) claims that one-third of produced foods are lost and wasted annually and most of this waste ends up in landfills or combustion facilities. For this reason, you should buy locally and buy what you plan to consume.
Choose Eco-Friendly Transportation
You can also take advantage of eco-friendly ways to transport and reduce your carbon footprint. Although green energy is becoming increasingly popular, petroleum-based fuels, like gasoline and diesel, are still mainly used for transportation, but making small changes by choosing an eco-friendly option can make an environmental difference.
Here are some helpful tips.
- Carpool: You can carpool with coworkers and friends so that there are fewer cars on the road. This is also ideal for those who commute.
- Take Public Transportation: If you live in a big city, it's a good idea to take public transportation such as the bus, light rail, and subway. You avoid traffic jams and don’t need to worry about parking.
- Ride your bike, electric bike, or scooter: You can also run errands close to your home, or consider this option if you live close to your job.
- Walk: Although walking may not be the best option for long-distance travel, walk when you have the opportunity. Walking also has an incredible impact on your physical and mental health!
- Switching to an electric or fuel-efficient car. Not only will you save on fuel, but it's a great way to do your part for the environment.
- If you can, consider taking the train versus flying. If you do plan to travel by plane, fly with an airline that advocates for climate change and sustainability.
Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is not rocket science and does not cost you much, all it requires of you is making small changes that will impact the environment. Whether you decide today to conserve water or take other means of transportation know that you are helping to build a healthier planet for the future generations