17 Reasons To Buy Certified Organic Food
The term “organic” on a food or beverage label is more important to look for than most of the other feel-good marketing terms you may see (such as natural, sustainable, or eco-friendly) as only “organic” has a legal, enforceable, verified meaning. Buying organic foods and beverages is a way of buying trustworthiness...
By Jean Nick
The term “organic” on a food or beverage label is more important to look for than most of the other feel-good marketing terms you may see (such as natural, sustainable, or eco-friendly) as only “organic” has a legal, enforceable, verified meaning. Buying organic foods and beverages is a way of buying trustworthiness. Even if you don’t know the farmer, producer, or distributor of your food personally you can be sure that a third party certifying agency has scrutinized their records and visited their farm or facility to make sure they are telling you the truth. From the farmer’s and producer’s point of view, organic certification and using an official organic seal on their labels is their way of promising you that they are doing everything they can to grow and produce the best and safest foods and beverages for you and your family. Short of having your own farm or spending a lot of time investigating your local farms, certified organic foods and beverages are as close as you can get to guaranteeing that that the foods and beverages you buy and feed to your family are safe, healthful, and clean. When you pick up something bearing the USDA ORGANIC label or the CANADA ORGANIC-BIOLOGIQUE CANADA label you know that it was: